Homeless Count
How are we doing?
Today, the City of Santa Monica released the results of the 2022 Homeless Count held in February. Santa Monica’s results show 807 people experiencing homelessness were counted in Santa Monica, a decrease of 11 percent from the 907 individuals counted in January 2020. While this decrease is primarily due to local shelter capacity being significantly reduced to comply with COVID-19 public health guidance, the number of people experiencing unsheltered homelessness in Santa Monica stayed nearly consistent with 2020, increasing 1 percent to 608 in 2022. The City's continued focus on permanent solutions combined with responding to immediate public health and quality-of-life issues and the expanded availability of regional interim shelter beds have helped prevent a local increase in homelessness.
The City of Santa Monica deploys a robust, multi-departmental, data driven approach based on proven methods in the field. This comprehensive approach to address homelessness balances immediate needs through street-based engagement with advancing long-term solutions. Our work includes coordinating with regional partners to support people experiencing severe mental health issues, substance abuse disorders, trauma, and prolonged experience living on the street.
The impacts of homelessness are felt by everyone on our streets every day, and this public health crisis remains a top priority. Housing is limited and too expensive, resources to address behavioral and mental health and substance abuse issues are in short supply, and we are surrounded by the City of Los Angeles on three sides, where the concentration of people experiencing homelessness is substantial. With these challenges, we must continue to urgently deploy a comprehensive strategy that includes providing connections to services and available housing, prevention, enforcement, increasing the supply of affordable housing, legislative advocacy and regional solutions, and addressing the mental and behavioral health needs of those experiencing homelessness. We hear the concerns being raised and are actively working to respond to this crisis by adding experts to the field and more longer-term solutions like a behavioral health center
- David White, Santa Monica City Manager
Homeless Individuals
This chart shows the number of individuals counted as homeless in Santa Monica during the City's annual Homeless Count. This total number includes those served by shelters.
Homeless Served by Shelters
This chart shows the number of homeless individuals were served by shelters in Santa Monica during the City's annual Homeless Count.
How can I get involved?
Volunteer at the next annual Homeless Count
Volunteer or donate to a local non-profit
Download Homelessness Toolkit
If you are experiencing homelessness, connect to services