Broadway Safety Project
The Broadway Protected Bike Lane Project will increase safety and comfort for thousands of people who travel along the corridor by foot, bike, scooter, transit, and motor-vehicle every day. The corridor, which sees the highest bicycle and scooter ridership east and west in the City, will be resurfaced, restriped, and upgraded to a concrete protected bicycle facility from 5th to 26th streets. New crosswalk markings, signage, green bike boxes, traffic calming treatments, pedestrian flashing beacons, and signal timing adjustments will also be incorporated. The Broadway Protected Bike Lane Project is a critical part of the bike network as it intersects with six other bike facilities identified in the Bike Action Plan Amendment's five-year vision. The project will be implemented in coordination with Public Works as part of the annual street repaving program.
Investing in high quality transportation options is a crucial step toward building healthier communities aimed at tackling climate change and promoting sustainability. The project design includes the following elements.
Protected Bike Lane - The existing bike lanes on Broadway will be upgraded to a parking protected facility using a combination of concrete barriers and flexible posts. The center turn lane will be removed to expand the bike lane while left-turn pockets at the intersections will be maintained throughout.
Reconfigured Parking and Loading Zones - The parking lane will be shifted away from the curb to create space for the protected bike lane. Drivers will park in marked parking stalls or loading zones and cross the bike lane to pay the meter at the curb. Loading zones will be added as part of the project and will work the same way as the on-street parking. Staff is interested in hearing from merchants and the community about where there is need for new loading zones. Red curb will also be added near alleys, driveways, and intersections. This is known as "daylighting" and will help improve visibility of all modes of travel in these areas. Some blocks within the project area will see a reduction in parking spaces due to the new design.
Enhanced Crossings and Signage - Crosswalks will be upgraded with new signs and fresh markings to enhance bicycle and pedestrian visibility. A few locations will recieve a pedestrian flashing beacon. There are currently seven uncontrolled crosswalks in the project area. The City is requesting feedback from the community as to where there is the greatest need for a pedestrian beacon, whether it be at the existing crosswalks where no beacon is present today or at a new location where there is a high volume of pedestrians crossing.
Repaving and Restriping - As part of the Public Works Repaving Program, Broadway will be resurfaced to repair potholes, cracks, and other maintenance needs in the roadway providing a smooth ride for all users.
The project is partly funded by Metro, a partner in our community. Measure M funds have been allocated to improve active transportation options within southern California.
- Pico Neighborhood Association - 10/11/2023 7PM
- Mid-City Neighborhood Association - 10/17/2023 7PM
- Broadway Merchants - 11/8/2023 (door-to-door)
- Downtown Santa Monica Inc - 11/2/2023 9AM
- Santa Monica Spoke - 11/12/2023 10AM; Request zoom link from https://www.smspoke.org/
- A simple, interactive tool was used to collect feedback about improvements to Broadway. Explore the following link Broadway Protected Bike Lane Project - Feedback Map to see what people are saying. Comment period was 10/17/2023-11/27/2023.
- Broadway and 19th St - new crosswalk installation August 19-31, 2024
- Broadway from 5th to 26th streets - 30% design; Construction anticipated to start late 2025
- Broadway Pilot Area Modifications from 16th to 20th streets - November 27, 2023 to December 19, 2024
- For the most up-to-date work schedule, please refer to the construction project website, https://www.santamonica.gov/annual-paving-and-sidewalk-repair-project