Preapproved ADU Program
Pursuant to Assembly Bill 1332, Santa Monica has established a Preapproved Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Program allowing vendors (architects, designers, etc.) to submit “Standard ADU Plans” for preapproval without site specific information. Property owners can then select a preapproved Standard ADU Plan and work with the plan’s vendor to further develop site-specific details and submit for a formal building permit that undergoes an expedited review. Information regarding how this program can be utilized is provided below, as well as a list of preapproved vendors and plans.
How to Apply for Preapproved Standard ADU Plans and Become a Preapproved Vendor
1. Prepare Standard ADU Plans. Create non-site-specific ADU plans that include architectural plans, structural drawings, and calculations. Plans shall be designed to comply with development standards pursuant to Santa Monica Municipal Code Section 9.31.025 and relevant Building Codes. Please note/consider the following:
- Preapproved Standard ADU Plans are only permitted for detached ADUs.
- Zoning standards such as building height and footprint may be affected by different topography and property conditions.
- ADUS larger than 750 square feet may be subject to Public Works impact fees.
2. Submit Standard ADU Plans with Supporting Documentation for Preapproval.
- Visit Santa
Monica Electronic Plan Review System for information on how to
electronically submit the Standard ADU Plans for review.
- Include “Standard ADU Plans for Preapproved ADU Program” at the beginning of the project description/scope of work on the building permit application AND the Title Sheet of the plans.
- Pay initial plan check fees.
3. Plan Review. Once Standard ADU Plans have been submitted, the plans will go through the following typical review process:
- Prescreen Review. Plans will be reviewed for completeness before being accepted.
- Plan Review. Once accepted, the plans will be routed for plan check review to all applicable departments/divisions. An email will notify you regarding approval or if corrections are needed.
- If corrections are issued, resubmittal of revised plans is required.
- Upon approval, instructions regarding payment of final fees will be sent.
4. Listing on City Webpage.
- Upon approval and payment of fees, the Standard ADU Plans will be assigned a unique ID for reference in future submittals.
- Your business name, contact information, and a brief description of the ADU, along with an elevation/rending and floorplan of the ADU, will be published on this webpage to allow property owners to contact you if they would like to inquire about using your preapproved plans.
- IMPORTANT: Standard ADU plans are only valid within the same triennial California Building Standards Code rulemaking cycle under which they were approved.
How to Use a Preapproved Standard ADU Plan
1. Select a Preapproved Standard ADU Plan.
- Review all preapproved Standard ADU Plans listed below and select the one the meets your needs.
- Contact the vendor listed to inquire about cost and timelines for using their plans, as well as what their role in the process will be (e.g.: confirm if they will be handling the building permit process).
- IMPORTANT: NO modifications to preapproved Standard ADU Plans are permitted.
When selecting a Standard ADU Plan, the following should be considered:
- Confirm that the preapproved Standard ADU Plan is suitable for your property. While all ADU development standards found in Santa Monica Municipal Code 9.31.025 must be complied with, the following standards are the most applicable when determining the placement of an ADU on your property: (1) ADUs are typically not permitted within the front setback; (2) ADUs must be set back at least 4’ from side and rear parcel lines; and (3) ADUs must be detached at least 6’ from the principal dwelling(s), measured between exterior walls.
- Your property must be currently developed with or is proposed to be developed with a single-unit or multi-unit development.
- If the establishment of the ADU proposes to relocate or displace existing parking, you may be required to close your existing curb cut. Please contact the Mobility Division regarding this requirement.
2. Prepare Plans with Site-Specific Information and Supporting Documentation.
- Update selected preapproved Standard ADU Plan with site-specific information (e.g.: site plan) and compile the necessary submittal materials (Information Bulletin: Document Submittal Requirements for New Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Preapproved Plans).
- Complete a Hold Harmless Agreement
- If you have any questions regarding the preparation of plans or submittal requirements, please contact the applicable department/division via the City’s 311 system.
3. Submit ADU Plans and Supporting Documentation for Building Permit Review
- Visit Santa Monica Electronic Plan Review System for information on how to electronically submit your plans and supporting documentation for building permit review.
- Include “ADU per Standard Plan No. XXX” at the beginning of the project description/scope of work on the building permit application AND on the title block of the plans. The Standard Plan No. is the unique ID attributed to the preapproved plan you selected.
- All ADUs must have their own address. To obtain an address, complete an Address Application and include a site plan and address plan with your application.
- Upload the completed set of plans, the Hold Harmless Agreement, and any other supplemental material that is required.
- Pay initial plan review fees.
4. Plan Review. Once Final Plans have been submitted, the plans will go through the following expedited review process:
- Prescreen Review. Plans will be reviewed for completeness before being accepted.
- Plan Review. Once accepted, the plans will be routed for plan check review to all applicable departments/divisions. An email will notify you regarding approval or if corrections are needed. As you are using preapproved plans, corrections should be minimal.
- If corrections are issued, resubmittal of revised plans is required.
- Upon approval, instructions regarding payment of final fees will be sent.
- Once all fees are paid, permits can be issued.
Preapproved Standard ADU Plans and Vendors
The following is a list of preapproved Standard ADU Plans and vendor contact information: