How to Register Property Ownership

Owners of rent-controlled property are required to register their ownership with Rent Control within 30 days of taking title or whenever there is a change in how title is held, such as a transfer to a trust. Please follow the steps below to file an Ownership Registration form. If you’d like to update the ownership information for more than one property, please complete a unique form for each property. To register only a change in mailing address, please file a Change of Mailing Address form instead.

Continue the Process:

The following steps will help you update the ownership information for a rent-controlled property. 

  1. Get the form

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    You may download the Ownership Registration form here. You can type directly on the form after downloading it, but you will need to print it when you have finished. The original signature of at least one owner is required. Faxes, emailed forms, and photocopies are not acceptable.

    If you would rather get a paper application from us, please email us at or call (310) 458-8751 during business hours to request that an application be mailed to you.

  2. Identify the property and provide ownership information

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    Provide the address and the number of units on the property.

    Regulations require that you list all owners of the property including each owner's ownership percentage and their principal business or residence address. (PO Box or management company addresses are not acceptable.) If ownership is held by a trust, LLC, corporation, or business partnership, enter the name of the entity on Line 3 and be sure to enter the name of the trustee, managing member, CEO, or responsible party in section 3a.

    You may list up to three owners and their contact information on this form. If there are additional owners, please attach an additional sheet and provide all of the required information. 

  3. Enter the date of purchase or title change

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    If you are a new purchaser of this property, please provide the date (MM/DD/YYYY) your ownership was recorded with the County on Line 6. If you are registering a change in how title is held (for example, a transfer to a trust), please enter the date the most recent title was recorded with the County on Line 7. Please list the name of owner prior to this change on Line 9.

  4. Enter you preferred mailing address

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    We can have only one official mailing address for a property. If there are multiple owners, you must indicate in Section 9 which owner listed on Side 1 should receive all mailings. You may opt to have mailings go to an authorized agent or a property manager instead by checking the appropriate box. For an authorized agent, you will need to complete the declaration and provide their contact information in Section 10. If you would like to have all mailings go to a PO Box, you may enter that address in Section 9 where it asks for Manager/Other mailing address information.

  5. Authorize an agent (optional)

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    In Section10, you may authorize an agent (a person and/or a management company) to execute registration forms and other registration-related documents on behalf of all owners. This is optional and can be amended later with an authorized agent form if needed. 

  6. Provide an email address for convenience

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    Please provide an email address and indicate if the person you would like to receive the email is an owner, property manager, or authorized agent. If we may contact this person occasionally with Rent Control news and announcements by email, please check that box.

  7. Print the form and complete the Declaration

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    Print the application and sign the declaration affirming that all information stated on this form is true and correct with a pen. At least one original signature is required.

    Faxes, emailed forms and photocopies are not acceptable.

  8. Mail the completed form

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    Mail the completed form to us.

    Santa Monica Rent Control

    1685 Main Street, Room 202

    Santa Monica, CA 90401

    Rent Control Staff will reach out to you with any next steps that may be required. 

Property owners can now file this form entirely online using our new CIVICS online portal! To begin, you must first set up a CIVICS user profile. You can do that by completing this simple CIVICS Request Form. Once we have received your request, we will configure an account for you. You will then receive an email with your login information and a temporary password. Please note that until you receive your login information, you will not be able to use CIVICS.