How to Submit a Developer TDM Plan
The City of Santa Monica is a multi-modal transportation destination: walkable, bikable and accessible via public transit. To reduce dependency on single occupancy vehicles and increase access to a wide range of transportation options, new construction must adhere to Santa Monica's Transportation Demand Management ordinance, SMMC Ch. 6.53.
TDM requirements are triggered by specific thresholds based on development project type. Currently, these thresholds only apply to new construction:
- Commercial (Non-residential): 7,500 square feet or more. Preliminary TDM Application for COMMERCIAL developments is located here.
- Mixed-use: 16 or more residential units with any associated non-residential floor area or 7,500 square feet or more of nonresidential floor area with any number of residential units. Preliminary TDM Form for MIXED USE developments located here.
- Residential: 16 or more residential units. Preliminary TDM Application for RESIDENTIAL developments is located here.
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Continue the Process:
The submission process:
- Applicants prepare and submit a preliminary TDM plan as part of the initial plan submittal.
- A TDM staff member will review your plan and will share comments and feedback.
Developer TDM requirements vary by project use and the requirements consist of physical and programmatic elements. Such as:
- Providing transportation information on site
- Having a Project Transportation Coordinator
- Providing certain commuter benefits for a variety of transportation modes such as access to secure bike parking with EV charging and showers
Developer TDM Plan Requirements
+ -The Developer TDM Plan shall result in the Developer achieving the applicable Average Vehicle Ridership (AVR) target in the project area, review the AVR Map to identify the target based on project location.
A list of all requirements can be found in SMMC Ch. 9.53.130. There are two main required documents that project applicants need to submit: the Preliminary Developer TDM Plan and the Final Developer TDM Plan.
Projects within the Downtown Community Plan Area boundaries have different TDM requirements which can be located in the Ordinance. Reach out to TDM staff with any questions about project specifics.
Timeline for Developer TDM Plan Review
+ -The Preliminary Developer TDM plan is submitted alongside initial project application paperwork. The Final Developer TDM Plan is due shortly before issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy (CofO). (Please refer to SMMC Ch. 9.53.120.) Because of the scope of materials required for the Final Developer TDM Plan, City staff recommends starting on your Final Developer TDM Plan six months prior to seeking CofO. After the first anniversary of your project’s CofO issuance, you are required to submit an annual monitoring report.
City of Santa Monica Review Timeline:
- Time Limits for Review. The Director of Transportation shall provide initial comments to the developer on the Preliminary Developer TDM Plan within 30 calendar days of application submittal.
- The TDM team shall approve or disapprove the Preliminary Developer TDM Plan prior to project approval by the Planning Division, Planning Commission, or the City Council, based on including all applicable components of a Developer TDM Plan outlined in Chapter 9.53.120.
- Notice of approval or disapproval shall be given in writing to the developer. Any plan disapproved by the Director of Transportation must be revised by the developer and resubmitted to the City within 30 calendar days of the notice of disapproval.
Programmatic Elements
+ -Programmatic elements shall also be included in the Developer TDM Plan program measures are based on the type of development, refer to SMMC Ch. 9.53 for more information.
Physical Improvements & Site Visit
+ -In addition to all physical facility improvements required by SMMC Ch. 9.28, Parking, Loading and Circulation, the following additional physical elements shall be required to be implemented by the Developer to the satisfaction of the City; including:
- On-Site Transportation Information. On-site transportation information located where the greatest number of employees, visitors, and residents are likely to see it. Such transportation information may be provided in an on-site physical location, such as a bulletin board or kiosk, or through other media, such as on a website or other digital means.
- Secure short and long-term Bike Parking with electric charging for e-bikes.
The team will conduct a site visit to confirm the placement of all assets and provide feedback and recommendations before issuing approval.
Recording with Los Angeles County
+ -Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy, the developer shall record an agreement, in a form acceptable to the City, that makes the Developer TDM Plan a condition of property ownership. The agreement shall include provisions to:
- Guarantee adherence to the TDM objective and perpetual obligations of the Developer TDM Plan for all legal parcels within the site regardless of property ownership.
- Inform all subsequent property owners of requirement of the Developer TDM Plan.
- Inform the Director of Transportation of any change in ownership.
- Identify consequences of non-compliant performance.
(Added by Ord. No. 2486CCS §§ 1, 2, adopted June 23, 2015; amended by Ord. No. 2552CCS § 1, adopted August 8, 2017; Ord. No. 2606CCS § 18, adopted April 9, 2019; Ord. No. 2638CCS § 1, adopted May 26, 2020; Ord. No. 2646CCS § 4, adopted September 8, 2020; Ord. No. 2782CCS, adopted June 25, 2024).
Issuing Certificate of Occupancy
+ -Upon review and approval of final TDM plan, the City will issue Certificate of Occupancy.
Annual Monitoring
+ -Developer shall submit an annual monitoring report on the Developer TDM Plan (“Developer TDM Annual Status Report”) starting on the first anniversary of issuance of the project’s Certificate of Occupancy or Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, if applicable.
Effective after January 10, 2022, you can walk-in to the public counter Monday through Thursday between 8am - noon PST. Appointments are recommended, but not required.
The submission process:
- Applicants prepare and submit a preliminary TDM plan as part of the initial plan submittal.
- A TDM staff member will review your plan and will share comments and feedback.
Developer TDM requirements vary by project use and the requirements consist of physical and programmatic elements. Such as:
- Providing transportation information on site
- Having a Project Transportation Coordinator
- Providing certain commuter benefits for a variety of transportation modes such as access to secure bike parking with EV charging and showers
Developer TDM Plan Requirements
+ -The Developer TDM Plan shall result in the Developer achieving the applicable Average Vehicle Ridership (AVR) target in the project area, review the AVR Map to identify the target based on project location.
A list of all requirements can be found in SMMC Ch. 9.53.130. There are two main required documents that project applicants need to submit: the Preliminary Developer TDM Plan and the Final Developer TDM Plan.
Projects within the Downtown Community Plan Area boundaries have different TDM requirements which can be located in the Ordinance. Reach out to TDM staff with any questions about project specifics.
Programmatic Elements
+ -Programmatic elements shall also be included in the Developer TDM Plan program measures are based on the type of development, refer to SMMC Ch. 9.53 for more information.
Physical Improvements & Site Visit
+ -In addition to all physical facility improvements required by SMMC Ch. 9.28, Parking, Loading and Circulation, the following additional physical elements shall be required to be implemented by the Developer to the satisfaction of the City; including:
- On-Site Transportation Information. On-site transportation information located where the greatest number of employees, visitors, and residents are likely to see it. Such transportation information may be provided in an on-site physical location, such as a bulletin board or kiosk, or through other media, such as on a website or other digital means.
- Secure short and long-term Bike Parking with electric charging for e-bikes.
The team will conduct a site visit to confirm the placement of all assets and provide feedback and recommendations before issuing approval.
Recording with LA County
+ -Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy, the developer shall record an agreement, in a form acceptable to the City, that makes the Developer TDM Plan a condition of property ownership. The agreement shall include provisions to:
- Guarantee adherence to the TDM objective and perpetual obligations of the Developer TDM Plan for all legal parcels within the site regardless of property ownership.
- Inform all subsequent property owners of requirement of the Developer TDM Plan.
- Inform the Director of Transportation of any change in ownership.
- Identify consequences of non-compliant performance.
(Added by Ord. No. 2486CCS §§ 1, 2, adopted June 23, 2015; amended by Ord. No. 2552CCS § 1, adopted August 8, 2017; Ord. No. 2606CCS § 18, adopted April 9, 2019; Ord. No. 2638CCS § 1, adopted May 26, 2020; Ord. No. 2646CCS § 4, adopted September 8, 2020; Ord. No. 2782CCS, adopted June 25, 2024).
Issuing Certificate of Occupancy
+ -Upon review and approval of final TDM plan, the City will issue Certificate of Occupancy.
Annual Monitoring
+ -Developer shall submit an annual monitoring report on the Developer TDM Plan (“Developer TDM Annual Status Report”) starting on the first anniversary of issuance of the project’s Certificate of Occupancy or Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, if applicable.