Housing Element Implementation Programs
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The certified Housing Element represents the City’s commitment to implement the Housing Element programs and meet the City’s Reginal Housing Needs Allocation in compliance with State Housing Element Law. The City's implementation of the Housing Element is being conducted in phases.
Phase 1 - The first phase was completed in March 2023, when the City Council adopted amendments to the Land Use and Circulation Element (“LUCE”), Bergamot Area Plan (“BAP”), Downtown Community Plan (“DCP”), and Zoning Ordinance to implement the first phase of the certified Housing Element programs. Phase I implementation provided for streamlined approvals of housing projects, streamlined design review of housing projects, revised development standards for housing projects, modified inclusionary requirements in the City’s Affordable Housing Production Program, and an updated Density Bonus Ordinance.
Phase 2 - Phase 2 implementation is currently in progress and will include programs to revise the design standards in the Bergamot Area Plan, create an Adaptive Reuse Ordinance, and update the residential land use classifications in the Zoning Ordinance for a variety of housing types.