Citywide Dashboard Shares New Framework Metrics

January 28, 2020 4:20 PM
by Tim Dodd

In April 2019, the City launched a dashboard to offer transparency around progress in achieving seven outcomes that matter most to Santa Monicans and organized by the Framework for a Sustainable City of Wellbeing.

The following outcomes are organized into work with definitions and metrics to show whether or not investments are working.

  • Connected and Engaged Community (“Community”)
  • Lifelong Opportunities for Personal Growth (“Learning”)
  • Resilient Built and Natural Environment (“Place and Planet”)
  • A Safe Place for All (“Safety”)
  • Inclusive, Affordable, and Diverse Local Economy (“Economic Opportunity”)
  • Physical, Mental, and Environmental Health (“Health”)
  • Reliable, Effective, and Efficient Government (“Governance”)

To show the City’s progress so far in achieving outcomes, our Performance Management team has updated the dashboard with new metrics, which contains 71 metrics spread across the seven outcome areas and 27 sub-outcomes.  The dashboard metrics are high-level to show our progress in achieving outcomes for the community. 

The dashboard metric updates include:

As we receive and review new data, the dashboard will be updated. To learn more about Performance Management and the Framework for a Sustainable City of Wellbeing, or with questions about the information contained on the dashboard,  email or sign up for our newsletter here.

Authored By

Tim Dodd
Chief Performance Officer