Santa Monica Police Department Announces Transition to the National Incident Based Reporting System [NIBRS]

July 18, 2024 1:07 PM
by Erika Aklufi

Santa Monica, CA In 2015, the Criminal Justice Information Services Division Advisory Policy Board (APB) approved the recommendation to move from the traditional Summary Reporting System (SRS), also known as Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR), used to track crimes within an area, to the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS).

Following our acquisition and implementation of an updated Computer-Aided Dispatch System (CAD) and a Records Management System (RMS), the Santa Monica Police Department (SMPD) has now switched over from the SRS to NIBRS. With this new system, the SMPD will be able to collect more detailed crime data.   Using the NIBRS data, SMPD will have the ability to identify patterns and trends while also providing a more comprehensive overview of crime statistics within the city.  Our goal remains the same: increase the availability of information internally and externally and facilitate informed conversations with the community regarding crime prevention and social issues. Overall, NIBRS reporting will have a cumulative positive impact on our department’s ability to identify crime patterns and better address quality of life concerns.

We will run both the SRS and NIBRS methods of reporting for side-by-side comparisons for at least one year.

The Benefits of NIBRS:

·         NIBRS provides greater specificity in reporting offenses. Unlike SRS, NIBRS takes into account all of the offenses within an incident.  It also looks at many more offenses than the traditional SRS does.

·         NIBRS collects more detailed information, including incident date and time, whether reported offenses were attempted or completed, expanded victim types, relationships of victims to offenders and offenses, demographic details, location data, property descriptions, drug types and quantities, the offender’s suspected use of drugs or alcohol, the involvement of gang activity, and whether a computer was used in the commission of the crime.

·         NIBRS can provide context to specific crime problems such as drug/narcotics and sex offenses, as well as issues like animal cruelty, identity theft, and computer hacking.

·         NIBRS provides greater analytic flexibility. Through NIBRS, data users can see many more facets of crime, as well as relationships and connections among these facets, than SRS provides.

What the NIBRS transition means to the Santa Monica Police Department:

·         More comprehensive data collection

·         More transparent crime reporting

·         More accessibility to crime data

·         Crime data modernization

By implementing NIBRS data collection, the Santa Monica Police Department will gain increased insight into where crimes take place, what form it takes, and characteristics of victims and perpetrators.  This information can be used to smartly deploy the resources we have and advocate for resources we need to address crime.   This transition will also facilitate identifying common crime trends among similar jurisdictions, increasing opportunities for working with other agencies to develop proactive strategies for addressing issues.  Additionally, the increased clarity in crime reporting that NIBRS offers will allow our community more access and information when voicing their needs, concerns, and expectations to city leaders. 

Implementing NIBRS is a complex undertaking that may create some temporary black outs and delays in reporting.  We ask for our community’s understanding as we work through the process, knowing that the result will be a huge benefit to all in the long run. Future communications will include when the full transition will be complete along with how these changes will continue to positively impact the community we serve.

Authored By

Erika Aklufi

