Electric Vehicle Charger Requirements for New Construction

In 2024, Santa Monica updated the EV Charger Reach Code to comply with the 2024 CALGreen Mid-Cycle update, requiring a minimum percentage of parking spaces in new residential and nonresidential projects to have electric vehicle (EV) chargers installed or to be equipped with infrastructure to support future EV charging (see the table below for details). The new code follows CALGreen Tier 1 requirements and takes effect on July 25th, 2024.

Increasing the availability of EV charging infrastructure at new facilities is a cost-effective way to support EV adoption. Replacing fossil-fueled vehicle trips with EVs is a critical component of the City's carbon emissions reduction goals, outlined in the City's EV Action Plan and the Climate Action & Adaptation Plan.

Click here for the Electronic Plan Review application that is required for all new construction. The permit for the EV Charging stations are included as a part of the overall project permit.

Santa Monica's EV Charger Reach Code Requirements - CALGreen Tier 1

Single Family Home: 

Multifamily, Hotels, & Motels (Tier 1 Option A): 

Non-Residential Buildings Parking Spaces Pathway (Tier 1): 


Non-Residential Buildings Power Allocation Pathway (Tier 1): 

6.6 kVA per required space using a kVA through a combination of

(The exact number of EV spaces varies for non-residential projects based on the total number of parking spaces provided. Refer to Table A5. Tier 1 for Parking Spaces Pathway OR refer to Table A5. Tier 1 for the optional Power Allocation Pathway in the adopted ordinance for details.)

For more information on the new codes use the resources linked below and in the FAQ section. 

EV Charger Reach Code Guidance

2024 EV Charger Reach Code Ordinance

2024 EV Charger Reach Code Staff Report

Santa Monica EV Action Plan

EV and EV Charger Incentives and Rebates