Housing Authority Board
Every year, the Santa Monica Housing Authority (SMHA) is required to submit an Annual Plan to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and every five years, SMHA must submit a 5-Year-Plan. Together, these documents are known as the Public Housing Authority (PHA) Plan. The PHA Plan is a comprehensive guide to SMHA's policies, programs, operations, and strategies for administering the HCV program and meeting local housing needs and goals. The Housing Authority Board meets to review and approve the Annual Plan and associated Administrative Plan once a year, and may meet additionally to consider proposed policy changes approximately once a year.
Housing Authority Board (HAB) Information:
9 members
0 current vacancies
Term Length:
2 years for tenant representatives; Councilmembers serve on the HAB for the duration of their Council term
Term limit:
The HAB consists of the members of City Council and two tenants in the Housing Choice Voucher program
Member Roster:
Gleam Davis (City Councilmember)
Phil Brock (Mayor/City Councilmember)
Christine Parra (City Councilmember)
Lana Negrete (Mayor Pro Tem/City Councilmember)
Jesse Zwick (City Councilmember)
Caroline Torosis (City Councilmember)
Oscar de la Torre (City Councilmember)
Elizabeth Cochran (Tenant Representative - Section 8 Program)
Courtney Lauretano (Tenant Representative - formerly homeless)