Pico SMC Pedestrian Improvements
This Pico-SMC Pedestrian Improvements Project improves pedestrian safety and comfort at five intersection locations along Pico Boulevard: 17th Street, 19th Street, 21st Street, 22nd Street, and Cloverfield Boulevard. Included in this project is the development of design plans for the 17th Street Bikeway connection on Pico Boulevard between 17th Street and 16th Street.
Project Elements
- New pedestrian ramps at each corner
- Curb extensions and corner radii reductions
- Crosswalk and stop markings
- Leading Pedestrian Intervals at 17th Street and Cloverfield Boulevard
- Additional Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacon or similar device at Pico Blvd and 22nd St to enhance pedestrian crossing
- 17th Street Bikeway connection around the Santa Monica College campus
Project Timeline
- Alternative Development - December 2019
- City Review and Outreach - December 2019 to April 2020
- Design Plan Development - April 2020 to August 2020
- Construction - May 2022 to June 2023
Project Materials/Downloads
Pedestrian Action Plan Project Description (does not include 17th Street Bikeway connection details or updated 22nd Street design)
City Council FY 2015-17 Biennial Budget Adoption - City Council Meeting Agenda
Pedestrian Action Plan Adoption - Staff Report
Enhancing Access and Safety in the Pico Neighborhood - Blog Post