Parking Structure 3 Project History
- Since the early 2000’s the City of Santa Monica planned to demolish Parking Structure #3, the 30,000 square foot site located at 1318 Fourth Street. The structure is in need of seismic retrofitting, which the City deemed not to be cost effective given that Parking Structure #3 offers fewer parking spaces than surrounding structures.
- For more than a decade, the City of Santa Monica worked with two different companies to develop a contemporary cinema at the site. However, both companies withdrew from negotiations for the site, and one has since filed for bankruptcy (Arclight Cinemas).
- The replacement of Parking Structure #6 accounted for the future demolition of 337 parking spaces at Parking Structure #3 such that the number of parking spaces in the Downtown would remain the same. As a result, Parking Structure #6 was built to include all of PS3’s capacity.
- At the November 2018 Housing Commission meeting City staff shared information about City properties eligible for affordable housing. Following the discussion, the Housing Commission prioritized two sites for near-term consideration, 1318 Fourth Street and 612 Colorado Avenue.
- At their February 2019 meeting, the Housing Commission recommended that the City Council authorize issuance of an RFP for affordable housing at 1318 Fourth Street.
- On April 9th, 2019, City Council voted 7-0 to adopt the City’s staff recommendation to authorize issuance of a request for proposals for the development of affordable housing on City-owned property at 1318 Fourth Street and continue to explore similar opportunities on other City-owned properties. The motion also included that the primary emphasis should be on permanent supportive housing for those who are unhoused, and direction to staff that the applicant should look at the other unmet housing needs on the citywide portfolio of affordable housing, and that they should be encouraged to look at the potential for artist live/work space on the ground floor as well as retail that is affordable to small/locally owned businesses as an option, and that all other creative housing solutions currently in the marketplace be encouraged.
- In October 2020, Walker Consultants prepared the Parking Structure #3 demolition study here.
- On March 23, 2021, City Council declared Parking Structure #3 as an exempt surplus land here.
- California Coastal Commission issued a Development Permit for the demolition of Parking Structure #3 and on May 13, 2021.
- City council awarded of construction contract for demolition services at its July 13th, 2021 meeting.
- City Council authorized the City Manager to negotiate and execute an exclusive negotiation agreement on January 11th, 2022, to negotiate the terms and conditions for development of affordable housing on the City-owned parcel at 1318-20 Fourth Street, which is currently occupied by public Parking Structure 3 in Downtown Santa Monica. After Council selection of EAH, Inc as the developer, the development team will undertake a community outreach process regarding proposed development plans. Later, City Council would consider the long-term ground lease of the City-owned land.