Compost Giveaway hosted by the City’s Resource Recovery and Recycling Division
November 4, 2015 2:55 PM

7 a.m. or while supplies last
Saturday, November 7, 2015
City Yards
2500 Michigan Ave, Santa Monica, CA 90404
REMEMBER: Compost Giveaway is a "bring your own bag" event. A limited supply of burlap bags will be available. Residents may fill (5) large bags with compost.
Thank You Santa Monica residents for your participation in the City’s Green Organics Cart program. It’s time to collect some of the compost you helped to create.
Compost made from the City’s green organics cart program will be given to Santa Monica residents for free. When residents put lawn clippings, vegetable scraps, coffee grounds and other organics in the green cart instead of the garbage, residents are participating in the composting process.
The benefits of using compost are numerous. Its use in gardens is an effective way to improve soil health, increase plant production, chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Compost also reduces the use of water. Compost, being spongy and absorbent naturally increases the water holding capability of root systems, which means less watering and minimized runoff.
The Resource Recovery and Recycling Division staff look forward to seeing you this Saturday!
Media Contact
Kim Braun