City of Santa Monica Adopts State and County Stay at Home Orders
March 23, 2020 12:07 PM

SANTA MONICA, Calif. – Following Governor Gavin Newsom’s Stay at Home order and the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health’s Safer at Home order last week, the City of Santa Monica has issued a local order today, adopting the State and County orders. To ensure clarity for our community, the City has not added new substantive provisions but rather has adopted both orders and will follow whichever is stricter, unless otherwise stated by both the Governor and the County. This is done out of the strongest desire to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and to promote the health, safety, and resilience of all Santa Monicans.
“Take these orders seriously and stay at home. Get your exercise close to home. Be vigilant and protect yourself and others by only making essential trips,” said City Manager Rick Cole. “This will flatten the curve of infection and save lives in our community. Stay calm, stay informed, and stay healthy!”
The State and County Stay at Home/Safer at Home orders are enforceable by the Santa Monica Police Department. Not adhering to the orders is a misdemeanor under Government Code Section 8665 and Santa Monica Municipal Code Section 2.16.100. The County Department of Public Health’s Safer at Home Order is also enforceable by the Santa Monica Police Department pursuant to Health and Safety Code Sections 120295 and 131082.
“Our first priority is to remind and educate the public when they are not following our local orders,” said City Manager Rick Cole. “However, it’s important for people to know that our local orders include the ability to fine individuals and businesses that do not abide voluntarily.”
In addition, City officers are authorized to issue administrative citations to enforce emergency orders issued to date as follows:
- Revised First Supplement to the Executive Order (Temporary Moratorium on Residential and Commercial Evictions) - $1000 per violation
- Second Supplement to the Executive Order (Pier Closure) - for individuals: $100 for first violation, $250 for second violation within one year, $500 for third or subsequent violations within one year; for violations by businesses: $500 for first violation, $750 for second violation within one year, $1000 for third or subsequent violations within one year
- Third Supplement to the Executive Order (Business Closure) - $500 for first violation, $750 for second violation within one year, $1000 for third or subsequent violations within one year
- Eighth Supplement to the Executive Order (Stay at Home / Safer at Home Orders) - for individuals: $100 for first violation, $250 for second violation within one year, $500 for third or subsequent violations within one year; for violations by businesses: $500 for first violation, $750 for second violation within one year, $1000 for third or subsequent violations within one year
City enforcement resources will be deployed by the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in accordance with priorities established by public health authorities and the EOC.
Eighth Supplemental Emergency Order >
Media Contact
Constance Farrell
Communications & Public Information Manager
Office of Emergency Management
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