City Implements Temporary Free Parking in Downtown to Ensure Safe, Easy Way to Buy Local this Holiday Season
November 30, 2020 11:13 AM

SANTA MONICA, Calif. – To support Santa Monica’s local businesses while providing an easy, safe and affordable shopping experience for the holiday season, the City of Santa Monica will temporarily waive parking fees in downtown Santa Monica public parking structures 1 - 6 from Friday, December 11 through Friday, December 25, 2020.
The City is making an investment into the Santa Monica economy by waiving downtown parking fees, complimenting Citywide free curbside pickup zones that help support local safe shopping and restaurant pick-up opportunities.
Buying local keeps dollars in Santa Monica’s economy. For every $10 spent at a Santa Monica business, as much as $7 stays in the community through payroll and taxes that are reinvested to support local schools, parks, and vital community services. The Buy Local Santa Monica program has over 1,000 businesses actively participating that employ over 3,700 Santa Monica residents and nearly half of our Buy Local businesses are owned by Santa Monica residents.
In alignment with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health orders, the City continues to partner with local businesses to prevent the spread of COVID-19. While the City encourages the community to buy local in a safe way, it is imperative that everyone stays home as much as possible, does not mingle with those outside their household and always wears a face covering outside their homes.
Restaurants and retailers throughout Santa Monica have implemented a number of convenient amenities during COVID-19. Local shoppers are encouraged to plan ahead, know what stores you need to visit and check ahead to see if in-store pick-up or special hours are available for persons who may be more vulnerable to COVID-19. Many Santa Monica businesses are also offering online ordering and delivery. Order online and pickup local to ensure the sales tax revenue stays in our community to support our schools and emergency services. The free parking and curbside pickup zones throughout the City help to facilitate easy, affordable and safe local shopping.
Stores have taken extra precautions to ensure the community stays healthy so please follow all health and safety signs, keep six feet distance from others, and use hand sanitizer frequently when shopping. For more information about Santa Monica shopping districts or a list of unique Santa Monica gifts, visit: and The Santa Monica “Open for Business” map is available at
For more information and resources about buying local, please visit Business looking to participate in Santa Monica’s Buy Local program should contact
Media Contact
Constance Farrell
Communications & Public Information Manager
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