How to Get a Landscape Rebate
There are currently two landscape rebate programs available to Santa Monica residents.
Cash for Grass - This popular program will help you get rid of that water hogging lawn and replace it with a beautiful new California inspired garden. The rebate is is available for all single-family, multi-family and commercial properties. It is the Santa Monica way!
Spray to Drip - This rebate program supports replacement of operational sprinklers in planter beds and hedges with highly efficient drip irrigation that delivers water directly to plants. Save water, simplify your irrigation, and enjoy extra money in your pocket. This rebate does not apply to existing lawn areas.
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Continue the Process:
Follow the steps below to apply for a landscape rebate.
Select a rebate program
+ -Determine if you would like to apply for the Cash for Grass and/or Spray to Drip program(s) by reviewing the program guides, paying special attention to the eligibility, conditions, and requirements of each.
Submit an application
+ -After you determine your eligibility by reviewing the requirements in the program guide, submit your application for a landscape rebate by selecting the appropriate program below.
Receive approval
+ -Your application will be reviewed to ensure your property qualifies for a rebate. You will then receive an email confirming your project approval with an Installation Checklist form to guide and assist with the installation and approval process.
+ -It is important to make a plan for your project to ensure success. Please see the project guides in Step 1 for preparation tips and assistance.
Schedule an inspection
+ -Once you have completed your project, submit your completed Cash for Grass Installation Checklist or Spray to Drip Installation Checklist and Form W-9 by email to savewater@santamonica.gov and request an inspection.
Receive your rebate and display your sign!
+ -Upon passing inspection, please allow up to 8 weeks for your rebate check to be processed and mailed. Be sure to ask us for your “We (heart) Santa Monica” sign to let your neighbors know you are saving water!
To receive and complete a paper application in-person, please call (310) 458-8972.