How to Register As a Lobbyist
Regulation of lobbying activities helps ensure governmental transparency and thereby fosters public confidence in government. The purpose of the law is to provide the public with information on contacts with government officials.
Any individual who receives economic consideration as the employee, representative or contract of a person or entity, other than the City of Santa Monica, for communicating with any official or employee of the City for the purpose of influencing a City action must register as a Lobbyist. Lobbyist also includes an Expenditure Lobbyist. For definitions of "Economic Consideration" and "Expenditure Lobbyist", refer to Santa Monica Municipal Code Section 4.85.10. Lobbyists do not include City contractors, those seeking city contracts through bids/proposals, volunteers in organizations, licensed architects or professional engineers, representatives of other government agencies and when lobbying at public meetings. Lobbyist should annually register with the City Clerk's Office no later than 10 days after qualifying as a Lobbyist. Registration is valid through June 30th and must be renewed annually. More information can be found in the City's Municipal Code.
https://netfile.com/filer with your
With conflict laws, the analysis can sometimes be very fact specific, and details will matter. Please contact the City Attorney's Office at (310) 458-8336 or attorney.mailbox@santamonica.gov for other questions.
Levine Act Disclosure. Pursuant to the Levine Act (Govt Code Section 84308), any party to a permit, license, contract, or other entitlement before the Council is required to disclose on the record any contribution, including aggregated contributions, of more than $250 made by the party or the party's agents within the preceding 12 months to any City official. Participants and agents are requested to make this disclosure as well. The disclosure must include the name of the party, participant, or agent, and any other person making the contribution; the name of the recipient, the amount of the contribution, and the date the contribution was made. Click here for more information.
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Continue the Process:
Beginning July 1, 2023, lobbyist registrations must be filed online at https://ssl.netfile.com/static/agency/csm/lobbyist.html.
Create an Account
+ -To create an account, please email the City Clerk's Office with the following information:
Name, Email address (will be the username), Address, Phone number, when you started lobbying and state if you are registering as a Lobbyist Firm or a single Lobbyist?
Once submitted, our office will email you with registration instructions.
File the Lobbyist Form
+ -Log in at https://netfile.com/Filer to file a new registration, an amendment (ex. adding a new owner, lobbyist and/or client), an addendum (updating existing client information) or an annual renewal.
Pay the Filing Fee
+ -Acceptable forms of payment are by check, money order or debit/credit card over the phone. Payments will be collected once registration or amendments have been filed. If payment is not received, lobbyist registration is subject to revocation.