Safety Element Update and Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Update

Santa Monica is in the process of updating its Safety Element.  The Safety Element Update addresses associated Federal and State requirements to identify risks and vulnerabilities from natural and human-made disasters and other emergency events and would establish the strategies for creating a safer and more resilient City.

The Safety Element establishes the City’s goals, policies, and programs to reduce the short and long term risk of death, injuries, property damage, and social dislocation due to hazards from the natural and built environment including:

  • Geologic hazards, including earthquakes, ground failure, and landslides
  • Flooding
  • Hazardous materials and waste
  • Airport Hazards
  • Climate change effects, including sea level rise, droughts, and heat waves
  • Fires

Project Fact Sheet

Project Fact Sheet (Español)

The Safety Element Update is being prepared in coordination with the City of Santa Monica's Local Hazard Mitigation Plan update. A Local Hazard Mitigation Plan identifies local disaster hazards, assess the possibility of these hazards occurring and estimates potential costs, and identifies actions to mitigate disaster losses. The Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 requires plan revisions to be reviewed and approved by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) every five years. Santa Monica’s existing plan was last approved in October 2016. The Santa Monica Office of Emergency Management (OEM) is actively coordinating the City’s process for LHMP updates and mitigation planning efforts, in sync with the Safety Element planning team. For more information, please see the FAQ below.

December 2024 Revisions to Draft Safety Element

Based on public comments received on the public review draft, revisions have been made to the Safety Element. This December 2024 revised draft of the Safety Element reflects revisions made in response to public comments and comments from City commissions. This draft will be presented for recommendation to City Council for adoption. 

August 2024 Public Review Draft

The draft Safety Element is available for a 45-day public review period ending on September 30, 2024. The City welcomes your input on the draft Safety Element. Please email your comments to

Local Hazard Mitigation Plan 

The City's Office of Emergency Management hosted a Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Meeting on May 22, 2024 to dicuss potential mitigation strategies. See below for video archive of the meeting:

Safety Element and Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Update Survey

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the hazards that are most concerning to you! The survey is now closed, but results will be shared as part of the final Safety Element.

Past Events/Meetings

Planning Commission Study Session - June 21, 2023 at 7:00 PM 

Building and Life Safety Commission - July 12, 2023 at 3:00 PM  

Commission on Sustainability, Environmental Justice, and the Environment - April 16, 2024 at 7:00 PM 

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