Boards and Commissions
The City of Santa Monica has created a variety of Boards and Commissions to help guide and advise decision-makers in a variety of topics. There is currently 24 different bodies, not including the recent Human Services Commission. In May 2022, the City conducted a voluntary survey for all current Boards and Commission members and received 52 responses. The following data reflects the responses received in that survey. This data does not reflect newly appointed members at the June 28, 2022 and July 14, 2022 meetings.
This graph shows the representation of genders of Boards and Commission members who responded to the survey.
This graph shows the representation of races of Boards and Commission members who responded to the survey.
This graph shows the representation of age groups of Boards and Commission members who responded to the survey.
How can I get involved?
- Apply for a vacancy on a Board or Commission
- Attend a public meeting or make a public comment
For vacancies and meeting schedules, visit Boards and Commission website