Sustainable Water Infrastructure Project (SWIP)

Project Background

The City of Santa Monica Sustainable Water Infrastructure Project (SWIP) is a first of its kind project that provides a drought resilient water supply for the City. The SWIP Consists of three integral project elements:

  • Element 1: Stormwater, Dry Weather Urban Runoff Treatment and Reuse
  • Element 2: Stormwater and Municipal Wastewater Treatment and Potable Reuse
  • Element 3: Stormwater Harvesting

Together these elements will work together to produce up to 1,680 acre-feet per year of advanced treated recycled water or roughly 10% of the City's water supply to reduce the City's reliance on imported water supplies. Other key benefits of the SWIP include:

  • Diversifies the City's water supply portfolio with a drought resilient source
  • Improve water quality in the Santa Monica Bay through the reduction of stormwater discharges
  • Comply with State Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) and Enhanced Watershed Management Plan (EWMP) stormwater nonpoint source pollution control measures for Santa Monica Bay
  • Recycle 1.0 million gallons per day (MGD) of municipal wastewater for permitted reuse, including future indirect potable reuse via aquifer recharge
  • Treat up to 0.5 (MGD) of stormwater, dry weather urban runoff, and/or brackish-saline-impaired groundwater for permitted beneficial reuse
  • Replenish the City's local groundwater supply with a sustainable, drought resilient source
  • Contribute to achieving self-sufficiency goals identified in the 2018 Sustainable Water Master Plan

SWIP Project Overview Video

SWIP Ribbon Cutting

SWIP Project Information

In the News

SWIP Snags State and Global Awards

Santa Monica Has Captured Most of its Rain this Winter

California Storms Feed Systems Set Up to Capture Rainwater

Newly Opened Facility Keeps Dream of Water Self-Sufficiency Afloat

SWIP Opens with Community Celebration November 17

Two LA Cities Are Innovating Their Way Out of Severe Drought Restrictions

SWIP Nears Completion

Santa Monica Draws Line in the Sand on Water Infrastructure Innovation

Previous Public Hearing in 2023

The City of Santa Monica (hereinafter Permittee) developed the Sustainable Water Infrastructure Program (SWIP) to achieve long-term water self-sufficiency. The SWIP allows the Permittee to reuse up to 1.5 million gallons per day (mgd) of stormwater, brackish groundwater, dry-weather runoff, and treated wastewater within the city.  The Permittee owns and operates the Advanced Water Treatment Facility (AWTF), with a design treatment capacity of 1 million gallons per day (mgd), a publicly owned treatment works (POTW) located at 1771 Main Street, Santa Monica, California. The AWTF collects on average 1.38 mgd of raw wastewater, dry-weather runoff, and stormwater from the city and produce on average 1 mgd of advanced treated recycled water for nonpotable and indirect potable reuse. The AWTF will only treat a portion of the municipal wastewater produced in the city and the remaining flow will continue to be conveyed to the Hyperion Water Reclamation Facility for treatment and disposal to the Pacific Ocean, regulated under National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit No. CA0109991. In addition, the Permittee also owns and operates the Santa Monica Urban Runoff Recycling Facility (SMURRF), located at 1623 Appian Way, Santa Monica, California, with a design hydraulic capacity to treat 0.5 mgd of stormwater, dry-weather runoff and brackish groundwater.  The AWTF advanced-treated recycled water will be mixed with treated water from the SMURRF prior to distribution for nonpotable and indirect potable reuse. The nonpotable use and distribution of recycled water produced at the AWTF is currently regulated under Order No. R4-2021-0044. SMURRF is currently regulated as a best management practice covered under the Regional Municipal Separate Stormwater System (MS4) Permit No. CAS004004.  


On the basis of preliminary staff review and application of lawful standards and regulations, the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Los Angeles Region (Los Angeles Water Board), tentatively proposes to issue waste discharge requirements, including effluent limitations and special conditions. 


Public Hearing Date and Location

The Los Angeles Water Board will hold a public hearing on the tentative WDRs/WRRs during its regular Board meeting on the following date and time and at the following location: 


Date:  December 21, 2023 

Time: 9:00 a.m. 

Place: Junipero Serra Building 

 Carmel Room 

 320 W. 4th Street 

 Los Angeles, California 90013 


Click Here For The Full Notice

Previous Hearing in 2022

The City is seeking to amend the Sustainable Water Infrastructure Project’s (SWIP) non-potable reuse permit, Order No. R4-2021-004, with the California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Los Angeles Region and expand its use for indirect potable reuse – groundwater replenishment via subsurface application.  The purpose of the meeting was to provide an opportunity for the public to comment on the use of advanced treated recycled water from SWIP to augment the City’s groundwater supply at the Olympic Well Field. 

Public Hearing Information:

SWIP Phase 3 GRRP Engineering Report

SWIP Phase 3 GRRP Engineering Report - FINAL

SWIP Phase 3 GRRP Engineering Report Appendices A-G

SWIP Phase 3 GRRP Engineering Report Appendix H

SWIP Phase 3 GRRP Engineering Report Appendices I-L

SWIP Phase 3 GRRP Engineering Report Appendices M-R

Documents and Resources 

2018 Sustainable Water Master Plan

SMURRF Upgrade Flyer

Addendum to IS/MND for SEIP – October 2015

CA RWQCB, LA Region, Order No. R4-2021-0044 & R4-2023-0366 Waste Discharge Requirements and Water Reclamation Requirements

SMMC 7.12.170 Recycled Water Ordinance

Recycled Water Use Guidelines, Policy, and Procedures

SWIP AWTF Process Flow Diagram

SWIP AWTF Critical Control Points

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