Public Safety Reform & Oversight Commission

The City of Santa Monica has long been committed to fair, safe, and effective community policing.  In the wake of national and community-wide calls for racial justice , and condemnation of the killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery , and far too many others, the City Council initiated a community engagement process to review proposals for law enforcement reform. In the summer of 2020, a 15-member Public Safety Reform Advisory Committee appointed by the Interim City Manager began reviewing City public safety policies to make sure that Santa Monica employs best practices to recognize the humanity and dignity of every person. On September 8, 2020, the City Council reviewed recommendations made by this Committee and directed staff to implement many of the recommendations, including that Santa Monica create its first civilian public safety oversight body .   

On January 26, 2021, the City Council adopted an Ordinance to create a new Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission to :    

  • promote, in partnership with the Santa Monica Police Department (SMPD), the best practices in community-oriented policing for the fair treatment, safety, and wellbeing of all
  • provide a body to work with SMPD and experts to develop, recommend, and help implement proposed reforms for handling complaints regarding SMPD conduct, including proposed reforms for the intake, review, and investigation of, and oversight of disciplinary decisions and policies relating to , such complaints.  

This is the first civilian oversight body for the Santa Monica Police Department. Commission meetings are held every first Tuesday of each month in City Council Chambers at 1685 Main St, Room 250, Santa Monica, CA 90401, and agendas containing meeting links will be posted here a minimum of 72 hours before regular meetings and 24 hours before special meetings.  The City Council appointed the following commissioners to serve on the commission:

George Centeno (Vice-Chair) :  Retired Chief of Police, Los Angeles International Airport Police; former Santa Monica Police Department (

Jaime Cruz:  Pico Neighborhood Partnership; youth advocate (

Derek Devermont (Chair):  Former Social Services Commissioner (

Dante Harrington: social justice advocate (

Miranda McLaughlin-Basseri (young adult): Santa Monica College student; External Vice President, SMC honor society (

Craig Miller: Founder, AIDS Walk Los Angeles; Santa Monicans for Democracy (

Adya Mohanty (young adult):   (

Joseph Palazzolo:  (

Manju Raman: Vice Chair, Wilshire Montana Neighborhood Coalition; Board Member, Santa Monica Police Activities League  (

Angela Scott: Former Arts Commissioner; Public Safety Reform Advisory Committee; Santa Monica Black Agenda; Committee for Racial Justice (

Brian Stedge-Stroud: Former Social Services Commissioner (

Paul Winnemore (non-voting ex officio member): Deputy Los Angeles City Attorney, Criminal Appellate Division. (

July 2024 - June 2025 Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission Ad Hoc Committees:

Accountability and Body Camera Policy: Chair Derek Devermont, George Centeno, Jaime Cruz, Manju Raman, Miranda McLaughlin-Basseri

Protests, Crowd Control and School Safety: Chair Miranda McLaughlin-Basseri, Chair Adya Mohanty, Craig Miller

Use of Force: Chair Jaime Cruz, George Centeno, Craig Miller

Budget: Chair George Centeno, Craig Miller

Community Engagement: Chair Manju Raman, Miranda McGloughlin-Basseri, George Centeno

Committee for 21st Century Policing: Chair Brian Stedge-Stroud, Jaime Cruz, Dante Harrington, Adya Mohanty

Meeting Information and Agendas 

July 2, 2024:  Regular Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission Agenda

June 4, 2024: Regular Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission. Agenda Inspector General’s Report on SMPDs Traffic Stop & Racial & Identity Profiling Act Data  Inspector General’s Recommendations Regarding Muting Function of Body-Worn CameraMeeting Audio

May 7, 2024: Regular Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission. Agenda Inspector General’s Report on SMPDs Traffic Stop & Racial & Identity Profiling Act Data  Inspector General’s Recommendations Regarding Muting Function of Body-Worn Camera. Meeting Audio

April 2, 2024: CANCELLED: Regular Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission 

March 27, 2024: Special Meeting of the Budget, Operations, Standing Committee Agenda

March 5, 2024: Regular Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission Agenda

February 27, 2024: Budget and Operations Ad Hoc Committee Meeting Agenda FY23- FY25 Adopted Budget Meeting link Minutes 

February 6, 2024: Regular Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission Agenda Meeting Audio

January 25th, 2024. 6:00pm: Meeting of the Use of Force Ad Hoc Committee. Meeting link Agenda 433 Policy 2021 Use of Force Policy Force De-Escalation Policy AB 48 Kinetic Weapons Use Policy

January 2, 2024: Regular Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission Agenda SMPD AB 481 Report Meeting Audio Pt. 1 Meeting Audio Pt. 2

3/7/23 minutes 4/4/23 Minutes 5/2/23 Minutes 6/26/23 Minutes - to be posted  7/11/23 Minutes 9/5/23 Minutes 11/7/23 Minutes 11/30/23 Minutes

December 5th, 2023: CANCELLED

November 30th,2023. 6:00pm: Special Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission Agenda Draft Accountability Committee RIPA and Pretext Stops Recommendations Report SMPD AB 481 Report  

CANCELLED: November 29th, 2023, 6:00pm: Special Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission Agenda Draft Accountability Committee RIPA and Pretext Stops Recommendations Report SMPD AB 481 Report

November 16, 2023, 12:00pm: Meeting of the Re-imagining Public Safety Committee Agenda  Meeting Link

November 7th, 2023: Regular Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission.Agenda Draft PSROC RIPA Report 

October 24, 2023: Meeting of the Community Engagement Committee of the PSROC   CANCELLED

October 3rd, 2023: CANCELLED 6:00pm Regular Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission Agenda Minutes

September 5th, 2023: 6:00pm Regular Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission Agenda

July 19th, 2023, 6:30pm: Meeting of the School Safety Ad Hoc Committee Agenda.Meeting link.  

July 11, 2023, 6:00pm: Regular Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission. Agenda  SMPD RIPA Report PSROC Commissioner Report on RIPA data/Presentation    Report from Re-Imagining Policing Committee  SMPD Presentation

 RAND Pretextual Stops Pretextual Terry Stops  SB50 Fact sheet Whren vs. UnitedStates Written Communication1 Written Communication2 Written Communication3

June 26, 2023, 6:00pm: Special Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission Agenda Budget Committee Report

June 21, 2023, 6:00pm: Meeting of the Operations, Staffing and Budget Ad Hoc Committee Agenda Meeting Link

June 20, 2023. 12:00PM: Meeting of the Reimagining Public Safety Ad Hoc Committee Agenda Meeting Link

CANCELLED: June 6, 2023, 6:00pm: Regular Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission. Agenda RAND Pretextual Stops Pretextual Terry Stops  SB50 Fact sheet Whren vs. United States Written Communication1 Written Communication2 Written Communication3

May 30, 2023, 12:00pm: Meeting of the Reimagining Public Safety Committee  Agenda Meeting Link

May 2, 2023, 6:00pm: Regular Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission. Agenda  School Safety Presentation. Brazilian Jujitsu Recommendation Report Marietta PD Jujitsu Program 

El Segundo Jujitsu Training Program

April 19th, 2023, 12:00pm: Meeting of the Reimagining Public Safety Committee Agenda SB50 Fact Sheet Meeting Link Pretext Correspondence Meeting Video

April 4th, 2023: To be rescheduled- Special Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission Agenda SMPD Principled Policing Course Outline  LAPD Policy on Pretextural Stops

April 4th, 2023: 6:00pm Regular Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission Agenda

March 28th, 2023: 6:00pm Meeting of the Ad Hoc Use of Force Committee Meeting Link

March 7, 2023: 5:30pm: Regular Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission. Agenda  Use of Force Committee Worksheet  Accountability Committee Report on Cliques SMPD Online Complaint Form

March 2, 2023, 5:30pm: Meeting of the Ad Hoc Use of Force Committee of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission. Agenda

March 2, 2023 6:30pm: Meeting of the Ad Hoc Accountability Committee of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission Agenda Cancelled 

February 22, 2023, 7pm: Special Meeting of the Community Engagement and Reimagining Public Safety Committees of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission. Agenda 

February 7th, 2023, 7p.m.: Special Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission Agenda Use of Force Committee Worksheet Updated Use of Force Committee Worksheet Minutes

January 27th, 2023: Special Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission Agenda

January19th, 2023: Special Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission Agenda Meeting Video

January 12th, 2023: CANCELLED DUE TO TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES Regular Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission Agenda Use of Force/Protest Management Worksheet

December 8th: No Meeting, Happy Holidays! 

November 30th: Special Joint Meeting of the Community Engagement and Reimagining Public Safety Committees.Agenda Meeting Video

November 28th 5:30pm: Special Joint Meeting of the Use of Force and Community Engagement Committees. AgendaPolicy Worksheet. Meeting Video

November 16th, 2022, 5:30pm: Special Joint Meeting of the Use of Force and Community Engagement Committees. Agenda. Policy Worksheet. Meeting Video 

November 10th, 2022, 5:30pm: Regular Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission. Agenda Inspector General Complaint Audit Report   Inspector General Interim Report on the Status of Implementation of OIR Group May 31, 2020 After Action Recommendations. Meeting Video

October 29th, 2022, 10:00am: Special Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Committee. Agenda Inspector General Complaint Audit Report   Inspector General Interim Report on the Status of Implementation of OIR Group May 31, 2020 After Action Recommendations. Meeting Video

October 13, 2022: Regular meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission Inspector General Complaint Audit Report   Inspector General Interim Report on the Status of Implementation of OIR Group May 31, 2020 After Action Recommendations. Chair Report: Committee Processes. Ordinance Regarding Prohibited Items at Protests. Meeting Video 

September 16, 2022: Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission feedback on AB 481 Draft Policy 

August 24, 2022: Special Joint Meeting of the Reimagining Public Safety Reform Committee and the Community Engagement Committee. Agenda

August 11, 2022: Regular Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission (IN PERSON). Agenda. POA Policy Platform

July 21, 2022: Special Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission. Agenda Meeting Video

July 14, 2022:  Regular Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission  Agenda Draft Report from the Use of Force and Protests and Crowd Control Committees re: AB 481. Meeting Video

June 22nd, 2022: Special Joint Meeting of the Use of Force and Protests and Crowd Control Committees-Agenda.  Meeting Video

June  9th, 2022: Regular Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission-Agenda and Meeting Packet. Meeting Video

May 25th, 2022: Special meeting of the Reimagining Public Safety Committee- Agenda. Meeting Video 

May 18th, 2022: Joint meeting of the Operations, Staffing and Budget and the Use of Force committees. Agenda. Budget Document 1. Budget Document 2. SMPD Use of Force Policy meeting video

May 12th, 2022: Regular Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission. Agenda.   Complaints Process Report. Proposed Complaint Form.  Body Camera Report. AB 481 Draft Ordinance.  Policy 707 Military Equipment Draft Revision. Meeting Video

April 27th 2022: Special joint meeting of the Community Engagement and the Protests and Crowd Management committees- Agenda

April 14th, 2022: Regular Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission - Agenda. Meeting Video

April 6th 2022: Special meeting of the Reimagining Public Safety Committee - postponed

March 23rd 2022: Special Joint Meeting of the Community Engagement, Protests and Crowd Management, and Reimagining Public Safety Committees- agenda.

March 21 2022: Special meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission

March 10th 2022: Regular Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission- Meeting Packet Meeting Video 

February 23rd 2022: Special Joint Meeting of the Protests and Crowd Management Committee and the Reimagining Public Safety Committee Meeting Video

February 10th 2022: Regular Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission- Agenda and Supplemental Documents    Meeting Video Pt 1.    Meeting Video Pt. 2     

February 7th 2022: Special Meeting of the Use of Force Committee - AgendaMeeting Video

January 26th 2022: Joint Meeting of the Protests and Crowd Control Committee and the Reimagining Public Safety Committee - Agenda.     Meeting Video 

January 20th 2022: Meeting Video Pt.1.  Meeting Video Pt 2.

January 20th 2022: Special Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission  - Agenda

January 13th 2022: Meeting Video Pt 1. Meeting Video Pt 2 

January 13th 2022: Supplemental Document - Prepared by City Attorney's Office: New Laws Regarding California Policing Effective January 1, 2022.

January 13th 2022: Supplemental Document - AB 481, Chiu. Law enforcement and state agencies: military equipment:funding, acquisition, and use.

January 13th 2022: Supplemental Document - AB 89, Jones-Sawyer. Peace officers: minimum qualifications. 

January 13th 2022: Supplemental Document AB 490, Chapter 406. Law enforcement agency policies: arrests: position alasphyxia.

January 13th 2022: Supplemental Document - AB 26 Chapter 403, Use of Force

January 13th 2022: Regular Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission- Meeting Packet

January 10th 2022: Accountability Systems Meeting Video

January 10th 2022: Accountability Systems Committee Meeting Agenda

December 9th 2021: Meeting Video

December 9th 2021: Regular Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission Meeting Packet

December 6th 2021: Meeting Video

December 6th 2021: Accountability Systems Committee Meeting Agenda

November 18th 2021: Accountability Systems Meeting Video

November 18th Accountability Systems Standing Meeting Agenda

November 11th 2021: Final Report Re: OIR Group Recommendations

November 11th 2021: Regular Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission Meeting Video

November 11th 2021: Regular Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission- Meeting Packet

October 27th 2021: Accountability Systems Standing Committee Meeting Agenda

October 14th 2021: Meeting Video Pt.1 . Meeting Video Pt.2

October 14th 2021: Regular Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission- Meeting Packet

September 27th 2021: Meeting Video

September 27th 2021: Special Meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission/Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission Operations Committee

September 9th 2021: Meeting Video

September 9th 2021: Regular meeting of the Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission- Meeting Packet

September 2 2021: Meeting Video

September 2 2021: Special Meeting of the Operations, Staffing and Budget Committee- Meeting Packet

August 26th 2021 Meeting Video

August 26th 2021: Special meeting of the Operations, Staffing and Budget Committee- Meeting Packet

August 19th Meeting Video

August 19th 2021: Special Meeting of the Operations, Staffing and Budget Committee - Meeting Packet

August 12, 2021 Meeting Video

August 12 Meeting Agenda August 12 Agenda Packet August 12 Chair's Report June 16 2021 Meeting Agenda July 8 Meeting Agenda June 16 2021 Agenda Packet June 16th 2021 Meeting Video
Previous Agendas May 26 2021 Meeting Video

Public Safety Reform and Oversight Commission Duties

  • Review and make recommendations regarding SMPD policies and practices
  • Receive information relating to any violations of procedures or policies in connection with disciplinary investigations, proceedings, and actions, and make recommendations regarding any such violations
  • Collaborate with the SMPD to sponsor and promote ongoing interaction and trust building between the SMPD and community members, including providing channels and opportunities for ongoing dialogue between the SMPD and community members in both organized and informal settings
  • Promote transparency and availability to the public of SMPD data and records  
  • Collaborate with the SMPD and the community to promote restorative justice
  • Evaluate and make recommendations regarding ideas for implementing best practices in community-oriented policing and reimagining public safety and wellbeing
  • Review and make recommendations regarding the proposed budget for the SMPD
  • Provide written reports of its activities to the City Council at least every six months
  • Within 150 days of the Commission’s first official meeting, prepare and present an initial set of recommendations regarding proposed reforms for handling complaints regarding SMPD conduct, including proposed reforms for the intake, review, and investigation of complaints and the oversight of disciplinary decisions and policinMar